John O’Groats to Lands End
1800 miles for Bike Tours for the Wounded

Riding a motorcycle the length of the country has been done many times, but not often off road.
Businesswoman and keen biker, Carla McKenzie, has just completed her biggest challenge to date riding off road trails from John O’Groats to Lands End, raising money for the charity organization Bike Tours for The Wounded (BT4TW)
Bahnstormer customer Andrew Byatt accompanied her the whole way and they were joined by various friends and members of the TRF along the way.
Andrew said: “I feel elated and proud of the achievement that we have accomplished. As a 61 year old only re-introduced to motorcycling after a 30 year break and with only two years “off-road” experience since then, to have managed to pilot a BMW R1200GS over 1,800 miles of mostly back roads and lots of Byways including some iconic mountain passes in Scotland and Wales, is a credit to the bike and the support I have had from Bahnstormer, Touratech and the Off Road Skills School.
They helped keep me safe and comfortable and gave me the confidence to undertake this journey. Also to the true friends I had around that helped pick me up when I had the misfortune to fall (not too many times thankfully).
What an incredible ride, what an awesome bike. The friends I have made and the sights I have seen of this wonderful country will stay with me forever.”
To visit Carla’s website and read the full report of their journey please click here.

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